Replant disorder occurs from planting perennial crops into soils where a complex of nematodes and soil-borne diseases are present. Tree replants, even resistant rootstock varieties, are especially prone to Replant disorder. Orchards suffering from replant disorder show poor, non-uniform growth and low vigor, often for the entire life of the crop. As root and vegetative growth suffers, so do yields.
Fumigation: Benefits From The Ground Up
Successful farming starts from the ground up. TriEst treats orchards with chloropicrin fumigant products based on individual soil needs. Pre-plant fumigation is a critical step to ensure that your orchard replants get off to a good start. Chloropicrin products are used to manage soil-borne diseases, insects, nematodes, and weeds. Creating a healthy soil environment prior to replanting allows the plant’s root system to flourish. A healthy root system leads to enhanced trunk, shoot, and canopy growth.
Chloropicrin Manages A Broad Spectrum of Soil-Borne Disease
- Prunus Replant Disorder
- Nematodes
- Phytophthora
- Root Rot
Real Orchard Results
Apple Trial
Tim Smith, WSU Extension-Wenatchee, began a noteworthy fumigation trial in 2008. The trial was
conducted for a true replant situation – apples to apples. A modern orchard system with a high
trees/acre density was used. Four treatments were used, each totaling three acres. Treatments
included Pic-Plus, Pic-Chlor 60, Telone® C-35 and Telone + 17% chloropicrin. Fumigants were applied
in the fall of 2008. “Sleeping eye” trees (Pink Lady) were planted in the spring of 2009. Tree
growth was measured after the first two seasons. Yields and fruit size were measured in 2011,
2012, 2013 and 2014.
Planted 2.5 Years
(Right) Untreated
(Left) Treated With Telone® + 17% Chloropicrin
Photo by Tim Smith, WSU

“After six seasons of intensive data collection and analysis, (it was determined that) under conditions of this trial, the standard fumigation treatment increased economic returns by about $32,850 per acre, a return of about $50 for every $1 spent on the cost of fumigation.”
Studies repeatedly show that soils fumigated with chloropicrin products produce healthier roots that allow the replanted trees to establish themselves faster and more uniformly. This allows fertilizer and irrigation inputs to be utilized more efficiently, saving you time and money on the front end, and maximizing your harvest yields and profits on the back-end. Contact us today to protect your orchards.
We specialize in a well-rounded and complete fertility program designed for orchard production.

Dry Fertilizer: Ground Control Command
Ground Control Command is a poly-coated dry fertilizer, provided by Haifa, can be customized for any analysis and coated from 1-16 months. It offers a more uniform extended release and leaching protection.
The poly-coated fertilizers release plant nutrients slowly and continuously throughout the growth cycle. A single application of GC-Command controlled release fertilizer will supply optimal levels of nutrients for an extended period of time.

Liquid Fertilizer: Liberty Acres
Liberty Acres Fertilizer fertigation grade liquid fertilizer blends supply all key crop nutrients in a single blend that is compatible in a micro-irrigation system.
- These are commonly used blends in southeastern pecan crops—see label download.
- Liberty Acres Fertilizer has a full line of standard blends that can be customized to meet production goals or specific soil needs.

Foliar Nutrition: Metalosate Powered by Albion Technology
Metalosate Powered by Albion Technology uses natural amino acids to chelate the minerals. They are rapidly absorbed, translocated, and metabolized by plants upon application.
- Improves nut and fruit production
- Increases nut quality
- Increases fruit skin firmness and quality
- Longer fruit shelf life

Foliar Nutrition: Pecan Program
Three of the most important factors in orchard production are: Water, Water and Water!
The deeper the trees have to reach for available water the more energy they use to obtain it. If ground water levels are very low the nut and fruit trees will go into “survival mode” and divert their energy from developing leaves and nuts or fruit to simply surviving the drought stress.
Adequate soil moisture is key.
One of our customers once said “I’ve never made money trying to save money”. In other words, you have to spend money on the things that can make you money. When it comes to orchard production, one of the best investments you can make is the installation of an irrigation system. It is the best way to ensure that adequate soil moisture and possibly plant nutrition is available when the trees need it.
Whether you’re looking to build a fully automated system or a simple manual system contact us to get started designing your irrigation system.