Sweet Potato
Fumigation: Benefits From The Ground Up
Chloropicrin and Chloropicrin blends are found to be some of the most effective in disease management and nematode suppression for sweet potato growers. Chloropicrin aids in the prevention of plant stunting in the field which are caused by multiple stress factors.
These factors include soil-borne diseases such as:
- Potato Scab
- Scurf
- Soil Rot
- Black Root Rot
- Nematodes
Effects from soil borne pests combine to reduce yield and crop quality.
Real Field Results
Evaluation Of Nematicides For Control Of Root Knot Nematodes In Sweet Potato,
2017 Trial | Kenly, NC
This experiment was conducted on a commercial sweetpotato farm near Kenly, NC. The trial site is known to be infested with both Meloidogyne incognita and Meloidogyne enterolobii nematodes. Covington sweetpotatoes were transplanted on 6 Jun and spaced at 1 plant per foot in row. The plots were 20-feet long, and the spacing between rows was 46 inches. The field was planted in soybean the previous year.
After harvest, roots were weighed, washed, sorted by size, counted, and rated for nematode damage. Only U.S. No. 1 (3-9 in.) sized sweetpotatoes were rated for nematode damage. Gall ratings were used to determine whether sweetpotatoes were marketable or unmarketable. Data were analyzed in the software SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) using Proc GLIMMIX and LSmeans (pdiff.) to separate means.
Chloropicrin was the only treatment to provide a significant increase of U.S No. 1’s by weight compared to the untreated control plots. In the table, treatments are sorted by % Nematode Damage.
Plant Disease Management Reports 12: N042
Treatment | Application Type | % Nematode Damage* | Yield: lbs US No.1 grade |
Telone II – 9 gal/A | Fumigant | 48.31 abc | 14.75 b |
Chloropicrin – 3 gal/A | Fumigant | 55.55 abcdef | 24.6 a |
Telone II – 5 gal/A | . | . | . |
Chloropicrin – 2.5 gal/A | Fumigant | 68.27 cdefgh | 13.85 b |
Telone II – 6 gal/A | Fumigant | 70.90 cdefgh | 15.5 ab |
Telone II – 6 gal/A | . | . | . |
Chloropicrin – 3 gal/A | Fumigant | 82.93 fgh | 13.55 b |
Untreated | N/A | 80.70 efgh | 10.50 b |
* % nematode damage was calculated for each treatment based on percentage of roots with nematode damage
** Treatments followed by the same letter(s) within a column are not statistically different (LSmeans (Pdiff) p=.05)
We specialize in a well-rounded and complete fertility program designed for sweetpotato production.

Dry Fertilizer: Ground Control Command
Ground Control Command is a poly-coated dry fertilizer, provided by Haifa, can be customized for any analysis and coated from 1-16 months. It offers a more uniform extended release and leaching protection.

The poly-coated fertilizers release plant nutrients slowly and continuously throughout the growth cycle. A single application of GC-Command controlled release fertilizer will supply optimal levels of nutrients for an extended period of time.

Liquid Fertilizer: Liberty Acres
Liberty Acres Fertilizer fertigation grade liquid fertilizer blends supply all key crop nutrients in a single blend that is compatible in a micro-irrigation system.

Foliar Nutrition: Metalosate Powered by Albion Technology
Balchem’s Metalosate Powered by Albion Technology uses natural amino acids to chelate the minerals. They are rapidly absorbed, translocated, and metabolized by plants upon application.
- Increased tuber set
- Improved quality grades through uniformity
- Increased skin firmness and quality
- Longer shelf life
Treated vs. Untreated:

Foliar Nutrition: Sweet Potato Program
Drip irrigation on sweet potatoes is considered a good practice for several reasons.
- It allows for direct watering during dry weather or on sandier soils
- Drip irrigation can uniformly apply water and minimize water usage and runoff
- Liquid fertilizer and water can be applied straight to the root zone
- Lastly, it allows the grower to inject fertilizer late in the season to push it further.
Let TriEst Ag guide you with choosing the right irrigation system for your sweet potato growing plans. We have decades of experience designing drip and fertigation systems that are completely manual to fully automated. We also offer mobile pump/filter trailers and skid options to accommodate field rotations.
Sweet Potato Irrigation Examples
Sweet Potato Equipment
View our equipment that has been built and tailored to fit almost any need.